Open Source Ag logo with an illustration of red, brown, yellow, and green seeds in the air and a semi circle of slices under of the same color.

Mission, Vision, Values

Mission:  To co-create a regenerative grow-to-donate farm and learning community community connecting food, fun, and farming.

Vision:  A participatory network of open-source local grow-to-donate food systems and learning communities that reconnect people with the joy of growing, preparing, and sharing good food.


Who we are:

  • Respectful and collaborative
  • Ethical and caring
  • Caretakers and stewards
  • Mentors and supporters

What guides us:

  • Embedding people as participants in secure and resilient local food systems
  • Propagating inter-generational and trans-cultural learning among people, food, and farming
  • Cultivating deep connections between food and community wellbeing
  • Nurturing healthy relationships with food, the natural world, and with each other
  • Feeding better life chances for everyone
  • Supporting the environment, water, soil and food health using regenerative, sustainable, and organic methods (respecting a balance with nature).