Project Photo Album

Thanks to Frank Anzalone for volunteer chronicling the project. And to Blaze and Nate from Elationscapes for ideas, advice, and a lot of work supporting our vision.

April 27, 2024, we hosted Blaze Elation with Elationscapes for a permaculture course and update on progress with our infrastructure, which Blaze designed in collaboration with our goals.

The set of photos below were taken June 21, 2023. This was our experimental garden year. First year for hoop house, asparagus, vegetables, etc. We learned a lot and tried several varieties of each to discover what we can grow in quantity. We consider quality, quantity, labor, and regenerative practices.

The set of photos below were taken July 29, 2022. With Blaze (Elationscapes) we decided to start the above ground work at the house and office so we could limit dust and start the workshops as we built out the small farm. The flagstone steps you see lead up to the in-progress outdoor classroom. The two long DG slabs you see are two RV spaces for friends/volunteers. Around the house Blaze planted edibles, pollinators, and sustainable plants we will discuss in workshops. The garage, with two doors, opens up and serves as an indoor classroom.

The set of photos below are our first, taken February 24, 2022.